Institute of Agrobiotechnology (INA)

The Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB) at CERTH, the Center for Research and Technology Hellas, aims to bridge the gap between research excellence and applications meeting the evolving needs of the end-user. This is achieved through targeted research activities and co-operation with stakeholders (productive sector, public authorities, social groups). In addition, INAB has long-standing close collaboration with other academic and research institutions in Greece and abroad, centers of excellence in their respective fields.
INAB strongly emphasizes empowering research in biosciences, and contributing in the competitiveness of national economy through the production of products of high value and the provision of innovative services.
To this end, INAB is already active and aims to expand further in three main axes.
The field of agri-biotechnology uses a collection of scientific approaches and tools, based on information derived from the genetic makeup of organisms, to improve plants, animals, microorganisms and products derived from them.
Health Translational Research
Health translational research activities revolve around the development and validation of innovative products and services of medical interest. The main aim of such activities is to facilitate the transition “from bench to bedside” in line with the concept of personalized medicine, untimately maximizing benefits and, on the other hand, minimizing unnecessary costs and toxicities.
Informatics For Big Bio-Data
Research activities of the Information, computational sciences and Communication Technologies (ICT) axis at INAB entail the use of enabling technologies and systems based on telematics and informatics technologies which on the one hand support the needs of management, analytics, simulation and understanding of the function of biological systems from all species in basic biomedical and biomolecular research.
Contact person
6 km Harilaou – Thermi Rd.,
P.O. Box 60361,
570 01, Thessaloniki,